Parenting - Eva Women's Clinic




We are committed to giving you the answers you need. Your final decision regarding the outcome of your pregnancy lies with you. In order to do so, you must have accurate information.

To learn more about our services and how you can receive assistance as a parent, schedule your appointment today at no cost to you.

You may be able to work either a full or part-time job. Some jobs offer healthcare benefits for both you and your child. If you are going to school, you may be able to qualify for assistance that will help with living expenses as well.

There are a variety of resources available in your community:

Parenting classes, assistance with baby items (cribs, clothes, diapers, and other necessities), Medicaid, etc. Your advocate can offer referrals to local resources that are available to you.

You may have the option of living with relatives or close friends. It’s important that you have conversations about bringing a child into your living arrangements and how this will affect your relationships.

The best decision is an informed decision. It is essential to take the time to get all the information on your options to know what is best for you and your child.

Talk openly and honestly with your family and friends. Those who know you best can be a source of help for you as you consider becoming a parent and all the many changes it will bring to your life.

Raising a child is a full-time job, and thinking through the challenges that come with these responsibilities will help you be the best parent you can be.

Taking the time, gathering the information, and seeking counsel will help you feel assured that you have made the best choice.

Fathers do have legal rights
established by law in each state.
rights will vary from state to state.

If you make a decision to parent, he will have a responsibility to help support your child. Many states will help you pursue court-ordered child support from the father of the baby. In addition to financial help, you should consider how much your baby’s father will be involved in your baby’s daily life.

Many things will determine his involvement including your relationship with him. How much he desires to be involved and whether you want him to be involved are some considerations you will need to factor in as you think about this decision.


DISCLAIMER: This fact sheet is designed to be an informational tool only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or

replace care from a qualified medical practitioner.